ICTs for Government Transparency

Online Resources

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General eTransparency Sites:

Development Gateway ICTs and Transparency site

Transparency International: see section on "Media and Access to Information"

Transparency section of the CDT/InfoDev e-government handbook; provides links to best practices and case studies on transparency

Overview Papers

Transparency in the Networked Economy: a conceptual approach for the design of transparency strategies by organizations, based on a multi-stakeholder system of governance

Access to Information in Developing Countries: Analyses elements, preconditions, and importance of access to information; provides discussion of legislation plus India case study; and gives a questionnaire based on factors that affect access to information

Online Information Disclosure: overview of enhancement of information disclosure in developing countries with short case studies of online information disclosure tools in Argentina , Brazil and Chile .

Guidance/Best Practice

Data Architecture : P rovides a practical insight into effective content management for the development of e-government systems

Data Architecture : Discusses an information architecture that allows citizens and others to obtain public policy/regulation text using everyday language

Data Architecture : Discusses the importance of, and brief methodology for good information architecture

Design : Addresses the requirements for effective e-governance (including transparency-oriented) Web sites, focusing on the quality and accessibility of information

Evaluation : Provides a model for evaluating the degree of transparency and internal effectiveness of Web sites

Evaluation : Provides guidelines for countries' authorities to assess the degree of fiscal transparency of the government

Evaluation : Especially in the appendixes of the paper, provides guidelines and a framework questionnaire for assessing the degree of transparency and participation in the budget process of a country/government.

Laws : Provides a law template for the development and adaptation of right-to-information legislation in any country

http://web.archive.org/web/20080113024526/http://www.courtaccess.org/modelpolicy  (see Document Drafts)
Strategy : Provides a set of guidelines for the development of a policy on public access to the judiciary's information system

Strategy : Academic paper that addresses the question of why some transparency systems improve over time while others stagnate or degenerate; what are the political and economic costs and benefits of disclosure; and what makes a disclosure policy sustainable over time

Case Studies

World Bank eGov transparency cases

A perspective on the effectiveness of the newly implemented MIS in Sophia; by comparing the project to other successful transparency projects, explores whether the new management information system would be a tool in combating corruption

Types of Transparency

Financial Transparency : Provides guidelines for countries' authorities to assess the degree of fiscal transparency of the government

http://www1.worldbank.org/publicsector/egov/AntiCorEgovSeminar/bill Transprency and IFMS.doc
Financial Transparency : discusses the risks surrounding the use of integrated financial information systems in promoting fiscal transparency

Financial Transparency : Especially in the appendixes of the paper, provides guidelines and a framework questionnaire for assessing the degree of transparency and participation in the budget process of a country/government

http://www.courtaccess.org/modelpolicy/   (see Document Drafts)
Judicial Transparency : Provides a set of guidelines for the development of a policy on public access to the judiciary's information system

Local Government Transparency : Discusses the implementation of a Municipal Government Management Information System intended to help increase transparency of the municipality of Sofia , with reference to the stages, methodology and feasibility study

Procurement Transparency : Presents a description of e-procurement initiatives in Chile , Brazil and Mexico , and best practices in Australia , Canada , United States , Ireland , and Singapore

Procurement Transparency : an interactive database on electronic government procurement projects, charting functions and characteristics


Page Author: Richard Heeks. Last updated on 20 October, 2008.
Please contact richard.heeks@manchester.ac.uk with comments and suggestions.