ICTs for Government Transparency


Avoiding eTransparency Failure: Ideas About Technological Infrastructure

This page offers ideas about how to address one factor identified as important to the success or failure of e-transparency projects. Follow this link for more information about such factors (and some related case examples).

Idea 1: Avoid The "Bleeding Edge"

The type of technology to be incorporated into the e-transparency project should come from a particular window. It should not be so leading-edge (called "bleeding edge" by those who suffer the problems of using such technology) that it has not been tried and tested by others. On the other hand, it should not be so outdated that is lacks some key features that you require to achieved the stated e-transparency objectives. Instead, the technology should be selected from the window that lies between the leading-edge and the outdated.

(From: Richard Heeks)

Idea 2: Who Will Fix The Technology When It Goes Wrong In Six Months' Time?

Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. If there are problems with the e-transparency technology - the software, the hardware, the telecommunications, and the physical infrastructure (electricity, air conditioning, fire control, etc) - following installation, then you must ask yourself who is going to fix the technology. If the answer is not someone local and reliable, you should perhaps reconsider your technology choices.

(From: Richard Heeks)

Idea 3: Technology Facts, Not Dreams

When reaching out to citizens, businesses, other agencies, etc. with e-transparency, ensure that the project is based on the factual reality of the connectivity levels and technological standards available right now. Don't base the project on some imported dreams of what things might look like if your country changed into Finland overnight. In many cases, this will mean working through intermediaries rather than hoping to connect directly to all end users. It will mean using pervasive rather than pipedream technologies: depending on the context, these might be SMS/mobile phones, interactive TV, and public access kiosks. It will also mean a multi-channel strategy: delivering e-transparency through many technological channels - both intermediated as well as disintermediated.

(From: Horace Mitchell, Richard Heeks, Erwin A. Alampay & Swapna Veldanda)


Page Author: Richard Heeks. Last updated on 19 October, 2008.
Please contact richard.heeks@manchester.ac.uk with comments and suggestions.