ICTs for Government Transparency

In the Training section:


Training Workshop Overview

i. Title

"Using ICTs Effectively to Make Government More Transparent"

ii. Aim

The aim of the training workshop is to help e-government practitioners understand and reduce risks in applying ICTs to foster transparency in government.

iii. Objectives

By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:

iv. Timetable/Structure

Timings are given for each part of the workshop. However, these are very 'rough and ready' estimates, and will vary considerably depending on group size, motivation, capabilities, etc.

Following the full structure given below - Introduction to eTransparency, Why eTransparency, Understanding eTransparency Projects, Techniques for Implemented Projects, Techniques for Planned/In-Progress Projects, Other Practical Techniques, Action Plans - is very roughly estimated to take around 1,200 minutes. Allowing for breaks, that translates to something like a three- or four-day workshop overall.

If a longer training period (or greater depth of training) is required, some of the 'Other Possible Activities' in the training guide can be included.

v. Shorter Timetables (Half- to Two-Day Workshops)

If three/four days are unavailable or some training objectives are not relevant, some parts of the workshop will need to be removed. What is removed, and what is left, will depend on the specific training objectives:

Some examples of content for shorter timescales (but note there are many other possible content combinations) are:

Workshop timescales can also be shortened by taking a problem-based approach: see next.

vi. Alternative Approach: Problem-Based Learning

An alternative approach to the whole workshop would be to divide the trainees into small groups, and set the groups a problem to solve or a task to undertake. They use the material on the Web site to help them, with the facilitation of the trainer, but their starting point is the problem, not reading the Web material.

For example, they could be presented with a real-world case of an e-transparency project that has just failed. The group task is to ascertain why the project failed, using the tools made available at the Web site to help if necessary. The trainer could provide a text-based case for this, but this approach works particularly well where all members of the group are themselves directly familiar with a real-world case through their work experience.

Other problems/tasks that could be used:

vii. Alternative Approach: Interwoven Training and Practice

Another approach that can be taken is to break down the workshop into smaller components presented over time, rather than presenting the workshop as a solid block. For example, it could be presented as four half-day workshops (see content suggestions above): one on awareness-raising about e-transparency projects; one on project evaluation; one on risk assessment; one on risk mitigation.

Training of this type can be treated as isolated from the workplace (using external case studies), or semi-integrated with the workplace (using cases from the trainees' own experience). It can also be treated as integrated with the workplace. In this case, trainees work on practical activities between each workshop, and report back and reflect on those practical activities at the following workshop. A sample timetable, for five one-day workshops spread over four months, is provided below.





Task To Complete



Introductions/overview of schedule and purpose; Part 1a

Awareness-Raising: reading elements of Parts 2a, 2b, 2c

A. Survey main benefits, drivers and costs of e-transparency projects in own department


Completing Task A



Report back on Task A and discussion elements of Parts 2a, 2b, 2c

Project Evaluation: reading elements of Parts 4a and either 4b or 4c

B. Evaluate outcome of a previous e-transparency project, and causes of any total or partial failure


Completing Task B



Report back on Task B and discussion elements of Parts 4a and either 4b or 4c

Risk Assessment: Part 5a(i) or 5b(i)

C. Assess risk on own current/in-progress e-transparency project


Completing Task C



Report back on Task C and discussion

Risk Mitigation: Part 5a(iii) or 5b(iii)

D. Identify risk mitigation actions for own current/in-progress e-transparency project


Completing Task D



Report back on Task D and Part 5a(v) or 5b(v)

Part 7, including reflection on process and action steps for future

viii. Resources and Preparation

If trainees have experience of both completed and ongoing e-transparency projects, then little preparation activity is required. Each trainee requires an Internet-connected PC, and a guide sheet on session objectives and activities, which can be cut and pasted from this document. Flipcharts and a whiteboard will be useful for group and plenary report-back activities. Trainers will need to familiarise themselves with all the material identified for trainee reading.

If trainees lack sufficient case/project experience, or if trainers wish all trainees to focus on the same case study, then the trainer will need to spend some time developing their own appropriate case studies. As noted below, they can use the Case Studies page on this Web site to help.

ix. Workshop Content Notation

Activities within the training guide provided below come with one of the following three notations:

Some parts of the suggested workshop have elements listed under the heading 'Other Possible Activities'. These are additional activities that can be undertaken if time allows, and if particular conditions apply (such as a need to reinforce certain knowledge and skills).


Page Author: Richard Heeks. Last updated on 19 October, 2008.
Please contact richard.heeks@manchester.ac.uk with comments and suggestions.