Building eGovernment Websites


What Do I Do With The Results Of Evaluations?

You use the results of your evaluations to understand whether you have achieved the goals you originally set for your project, and - more importantly - to provide a basis for their review and for the continuous improvement of the site.

Monitoring traffic and transactions may lead to the establishment of new quantitative goals for the site, like more users or more activity, if this is sustainable. If results are less than positive, it may instead lead to an overall review of your strategy, both in terms of promotion and of the actual priorities you have set for the site (you may have set goals too high, for instance, or misjudged typical user profiles, etc.).

The results of evaluations of visibility and awareness are also likely to lead you to a review of your promotional strategy, e.g. by soliciting link exchanges with other sites, pursuing a more pro-active strategy in submissions to search engines and general search engine optimisation, or deciding to run media campaigns to improve the site's visibility among the population.

Evaluating user activity and satisfaction will be the main driver in the review and improvement of the contents and the interactive features of the site (including its navigational system). If you realise the specific item of information your users want the most is not available on your site, you will probably want to include it as soon as possible. And if users express a low level of satisfaction with a specific service, you may want to investigate why and try to provide solutions to improve it.

Finally, an evaluation of expenditure and cost-effectiveness may lead to an overall review of the budget for the project and the way it is used.

In most cases you will find yourself integrating the different aspects and results of evaluation listed above into an overall, more complex analysis, as most of these factors are interconnected and have an effect on each other. Ultimately, this will lead you to understanding whether your e-government website project has been a success or a failure (see also: Achieving Success/Avoiding Failure in eGovernment Projects).

Page Author: Andrea Bardelli Danieli. Last updated on 19 October, 2008.
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