
In the Evaluation section:


mGovernment Guiding Principles

Some guiding principles can be laid out for those planning m-government systems, as discussed below.

Firstly, recognise that m-government is not a substitute for e-government. Not all applications can run on mobile devices nor should they. Not all wireless connections are cost competitive compared to wired connection. mGovernment should be conceived and developed as part of the overall e-government strategy and programme. The exact mix of m-government and traditional e-government applications depends on the unique conditions of each country. An important determinant would be the state of the nation's information infrastructure.

It is easy to build expectations but difficult to regain trust. Citizens who are turned off by their experience with m-government are not only harder to lure back but will also bad mouth it to other. Thus it is important to:

Partnerships, particularly with telecommunication companies (telcos) offering cellular services, matter. Telcos bring to the table greater knowledge about security, reliability, ease of use and affordability issues related to mobile applications. They may also have mobile applications for business that can be adapted for government (though adaptation is the key word: m-commerce applications cannot just be pulled off the shelf for m-government).

Page Author: Emmanuel Lallana. Last updated on 19 October, 2008.
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